Welcome to Vijay Capitals !  We have over 12 years of expertise

Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions detail how the Websites can be used. If you use the Websites you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

Access to the Websites and content

We will endeavor to allow uninterrupted access to the Websites, but access to the Website can be suspended, restricted or terminated at any time without giving any notice. We reserve the right to change, modify, substitute, suspend or remove without notice any information or service on the Websites from time to time. We assume no responsibility for the content or services of any other to or from which the Websites has links.

Intellectual Property

The copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the material contained in the Websites, together with the Website design, text and graphics, and their selection and arrangement, and all software compilations, underlying source code and software (including applets) belongs to us.

We own all rights in the Websites and all the contents of the Websites. You shall retain ownership of the data you submit to the Websites. You grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, non-terminable license to use, keep, share, save, collect, copy, distribute, publish and transmit such data in any manner as we deem fit within our Privacy Policy.

Nothing within any of the Website is, or shall be deemed to constitute, financial or other advice or a recommendation to purchase any product or service. Any and all information provided within the Websites is for general information purposes only. We strongly advise that independent professional advice be obtained before you purchase any product and/or service via Websites

xclusions of liability

We use reasonable endeavor to ensure that the data, material and information on the Websites are accurate. We will also endeavor to correct any errors or omissions as soon as practicable after being notified of them. However, we are not responsible in any way if the data, material and information on the Websites are found to be inaccurate or if there are any errors or omissions in the data, material and information.

We are not responsible for any losses or damages arising from an inability to access the Websites, from any use of the Websites or from reliance on the data transmitted using the Websites where such losses or damages are caused by any event beyond our reasonable control including as a result of the nature of electronic transmission of data over the internet. We are not responsible or liable for any indirect losses or damages suffered or incurred by you or for any losses or damages suffered or incurred by you which were not foreseeable by us when you accessed or used the Websites.

You should exercise due caution to ensure your interests. Do not handover any cash. Get all promises on terms and conditions in writing on a letterhead. Get the visiting card of the person visiting you and check out that the numbers mentioned on the card are correct. Most advertisers are unable to return documents in case your proposal is not accepted. If this is an issue with you, please get a promise to return your documents in writing in the event of your proposal is not accepted for any reason.

Your obligations You warrant that you have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure that any data you submit to the Websites is true and accurate. You warrant that all information provided on forms on the Websites and otherwise provided by you on this site shall be true, complete and accurate.

Your telephone calls

Telephone calls that you make to our customer service help line on the numbers mention in the contact us section of the websites or calls made by our support team may be monitored or recorded.


Our aim at all times is to provide you with an excellent service. However, if you are unhappy with our service for any reason, please contact us by telephone numbers or email address provided in the contact us section of the Websites.

Data protection

We are committed to protecting your privacy. Our privacy practices are set out in our Privacy Policy

Guidance Notes The following sections form part of the terms and conditions and provide more specific guidance on certain products and services

Please be aware that it is very important that before you apply for a loan product you carefully read the terms on the application form which will include details of the interest rates applicable and any early prepayment charges and other charges if relevant

General The Websites are for your non-commercial, personal use only and must not be used for business purposes.

To correct inaccuracies in the information you can Send an e-mail to vijaycapitals@gmail.com